      recid = {15393},
      title = {Letter dated 30 September 1972 from the Permanent  Representative of the Gabonese Republic to the United  Nations addressed to the President of the Security Council  },
      publisher = {UN},
      address = {[New York] . 1972-10-03},
      number = {PUB},
      pages = {[1] p.},
      month = {Oct},
      year = {1972},
      abstract = {Refers to comments made at the meeting of the Security  Council of 28 Sept. 1972 in connection with violations of  sanctions against Southern Rhodesia; states that Gabon  complies fully with all resolutions adopted by the Council  and by OAU concerning sanctions against Southern Rhodesia.},
      url = {http://sanctionsplatform.ohchr.org/record/15393},