      recid = {15889},
      title = {Letter dated 28 November 2007 from the Secretary-General  to the President of the Security Council },
      publisher = {UN},
      address = {[New York] . 2007-11-29},
      number = {PUB},
      pages = {[1] p.},
      month = {Nov},
      year = {2007},
      abstract = {Refers to Security Council resolution 1782 (2007)  extending the mandate of the Group of Experts on Côte  d'Ivoire until 31 Oct. 2008 and reports, after consulting  with the Security Council Committee established pursuant to  resolution 1572 (2004) concerning Côte d'Ivoire, the  appointment of 5 experts.},
      url = {http://sanctionsplatform.ohchr.org/record/15889},