      recid = {17385},
      title = {Letter dated 25 January 2013 from the Chair of the  Security Council Committee established pursuant to  resolution 1737 (2006) addressed to the President of the  Security Council },
      publisher = {UN},
      address = {[New York] . 2013-01-25},
      number = {PUB},
      pages = {12 p.},
      month = {Jan},
      year = {2013},
      note = {Annexes (p. 6-12): 1. Major activities of the Panel of  Experts in 2012 -- 2. Reports received from Member States  pursuant to  para. 19 of Security Council resolution 1737  (2006), para. 8 of resolution 1747 (2007), para. 13 of  resolution 1803 (2008) and para. 31 of resolution 1929  (2010).},
      abstract = {Transmits report of the Committee's activities for 2012.},
      url = {http://sanctionsplatform.ohchr.org/record/17385},