      recid = {21037},
      author = {John J. Forrer  and Kathleen Harrington},
      title = {The Trump Administration’s Use of Trade Tariffs as  Economic Sanctions},
      address = {2019},
      number = {PUB},
      abstract = {The Trump administration’s enthusiasm for economic  sanctions has been reflected in their equally passionate  embrace of trade tariffs. Both foreign policy tools have  been used to excess well beyond the practices of past  administrations. Even most notable is the unprecedented  re-purposing of trade tariffs as economic sanctions. Rather  than using tariffs as intended by statute to adjust  conditions for imports in response to unfair practices with  trade partners, the Trump administration has threatened and  imposed tariffs to pressure countries to change policies  they oppose – the exact rationale behind the use of  economic sanctions. The use of trade tariffs as economic  sanctions raises important questions about the legitimacy  and effectiveness of such a practice.},
      url = {http://sanctionsplatform.ohchr.org/record/21037},