      recid = {4336},
      author = {Butler, Nicolette},
      title = {The effect of unilateral sanctions on the foreign  investment law regime},
      publisher = {Hart Publishing},
      address = {2021},
      number = {PUB},
      month = {Jun},
      note = {No additional notes.},
      abstract = {Sanctions were defined by Oppenheim as ‘injurious and  otherwise internationally illegal acts of a state against  another as are exceptionally permitted for the purpose of  compelling the latter to consent to a satisfactory  settlement of a difference created by its own international  delinquency’. Sanctions are said to be collective when  carried out in the setting of an international institution,  eg the United Nations. On the other hand, they are said to  be unilateral when carried out outside of an international  institutionalised setting. Sanctions can involve different  types of actions, eg political or economic. This chapter  will focus specifically on economic sanctions imposed  outside of an institutional setting (unilateral economic  sanctions) . Recently, there has been a marked increase in  the imposition of such unilateral economic sanctions by  some states, eg US sanctions on Iran and Saudi coalition  led sanctions on Qatar.},
      url = {http://sanctionsplatform.ohchr.org/record/4336},