The UN security council first imposed restrictive measures against the democratic people's republic of Korea ('DPRK') in 2006. subsequent un security council resolutions (UNSCR) and eu autonomous sanctions further strengthened the sanctions regime against the DPRK. UN-based and EU autonomous measures are contained in council decision (CFSP) 2016/849 of 27 May 2016 concerning restrictive measures against the DPRK and council regulation (EU) 2017/1509 of 30 August 2017 concerning restrictive measures against the DPRK, both as amended. this note has been conceived as a guidance document from the commission and sheds light on its understanding of article 10 of the regulation, i.e. on the application of the export and import ban on luxury goods, for the purpose of uniform implementation by national authorities and parties concerned. This guidance note aims to answer certain questions that have been brought to the commission's attention. should further questions arise, the commission may revise or extend this guidance document.