Despite the dramatic changes in the various international societies and the regulating of the international legal system and increasing dependence of countries on cooperation and interconnection with each other in the various fields, along with the human progress in the fields of science and technology, it is observed the increasing use of powerful countries such as the United States from the unilateral sanctions on behalf of its political, economic, dominant power against the other countries, especially the least developed countries, including the Islamic Republic of Iran. In most of the time, the third countries, considering the national interests and the economic and financial opportunities and threats, accompany with these countries in the case of the unilateral sanctions. The third state action, considering the 2001 draft of the international law commission on international State responsibility, has the international responsibility; now the question is whether these acts, as a violation of an international constitution, can be attributed to a third-state. Our argument in this article is that the third-state actions, in accompany with the unilateral sanctions, are the violation of international obligations, including the United Nations Chart, human rights obligations and the citizenship rights of that State , and will give rise to the international responsibility of that State.