In recent years, the United States applied economic sanctions to solve international issues frequently.
The US economic sanctions have relatively suffi cient basis in their domestic laws, forming a systematic legal system. At present, there are a large number of US legislations on economic sanctions At the federal level, the relevant legislations can be basically divided into three types: authorization legislations, direct sanctions
legislations, and other legislations that include sanctions. The above-mentioned legislations have shown some fragmentation in practice. The main reason lies in the power game between the executive branch and the Congress in terms of foreign policy power. As to implementation, economic sanctions are mainly implemented by the Ministry of Finance, the State Council and the Ministry of Commerce, and implementation measures are gradually based on fi nancial sanctions. There is no remedy for sanctions in US legislations. In addition to negotiating with the United States to seek to lift sanctions, the targets of sanctions have sometimes brought lawsuits in various courts and international judicial institutions. Although the political nature of sanctions determines that it is difficult to resolve related issues entirely through judicial channels, the lawsuits have
exerted pressure on the United States in certain circumstances forcing it to modify certain measures.